Wisteria Hysteria at Wakehurst Place

Wakehurst Place is Kews botanical garden. With 500 acres of meadowland, ornamental gardens and woodland it really is an incredible place to visit. Throw in an Elizabethan mansion to the mix, covered in wisteria and boom! You have created a photographers dream.

The grounds and nature reserve are teaming with wildlife, if you want to explore Wakehurst in all its glory you will need a few hours. 

My camera roll was bursting at the seams after our visit but I have tried to condense them down to a select few.

Wakehurst also hosts a very festive Christmas event 'Glow Wild'. I have visited twice and despite the fact it is mainly for the kids, anyone with a love of festive activities will adore it. I will do another post about that soon.

Made some ducky friends at lunch.

Why do people go mad for wisteria? I hope when Mr Poachie and I have our own house it is covered in it.

Wakehurst is still managed by Kew gardens but it is quite different in style (in my opinion anyways).

We had the most magical visit and thoroughly enjoyed a slow wander around the grounds. There are some wonderful viewpoints to sit and admire the treetops. Luckily its so big it almost feels like you have the place to yourselves. I also love the shop, it sells a huge variety of books, plants and other lovely gifts.


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