Hever Castle

Hever Castle is the childhood home of Anne Boleyn. Anyone who has seen the film 'The other Boleyn Girl' must agree that there must have been some strange things that went on behind their four castle walls. I bet dinnertime conversation was a little more than Brexit and the weather.

I like visiting here for the Italian gardens. It feels so romantic!

I would also love to go out boating on their 38 acre lake. We did try and rent a rowing boat on our last visit but it was to windy.

Hever in bloom is wonderful, the rose beds are bursting and the statues pose gracefully under the hot midday sun.

Mr Poachie and I give each other Italian sounding names as we stroll past the fountains, inside the grottoes and past the loggia.

He is Don Poachalini and I am Mama Peachelini.

We have long made up conversations involving deep mafia talk such as meatballs and murder.

I'm sure if anyone heard our conversations they would think we were mad. We also talk at length about zombie apocalypses and how to prepare. We have gone as far as writing a list of what we would need and he recently purchased an archery kit so I guess that contributes towards our weapon list.

Sorry I get distracted when I write blog posts and often go off on a different tangent. It drives Mr Poachie crackers when this happens in conversation he is often in wonder of how my mind works.

Back to the gardens, they also grow wild flower meadows which I really want to go and visit as they look so beautiful and its important for the bees.

Every visit to Hever should involve a pit stop in the tea room for some cake. 

Its important to keep hydrated with lots of tea.

Next time I visit I'm going to go late afternoon as the light will be better for taking photos. We could spend the afternoon lazing about in a rowing boat reading Italian poetry and continuing on with our made up converations...


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