Sarah Raven - Perch Hill

Perch Hill was introduced to me by my darling friend Babushka. We often have adventures out together which lead to all sorts of wonderful gardens and calorific cake from the cafes.

The only place I would bother to queue to get into is one where there are more flowers than people.

Sarah Raven is a famous gardener and Perch Hill is where she lives and has this fabulous cutting garden. 

Throughout the year she opens it up to the public for events and open days.

I think it only cost £5 to park and then you are free to wonder.

It isn't massive but there are a lot of flowers and fruits growing and there is a wonderful café to stop and scoff some quiche.

Of course me being me had to take 1000's of photos. I never used to realise how many pictures I actually took until one day I counted them from just one afternoon's visit somewhere. It was a lot!

I think I drive most people mad who spend the day with me, the constant photo taking is pretty annoying too 😆

In truth, I don't do any gardening myself as I'm quite lazy but I love wandering around other peoples.

I was thinking about growing my own vegetables though; I have always liked the idea of an allotment but never bothered to do anything about it.

Where I am currently living I'm not close to any allotments but I am fortunate enough to have a large garden where I could build my own little patch.

When I say build it, I mean instruct Mr Poachie to do it.

I would like to grow pumpkins, sunflowers, carrots, courgettes and potatoes as these are the things I would eat the most.

The pumpkins and sunflowers are just for joy.

I think one of the reasons I have held back growing my own is because I never seem to have much luck with planting and growing things.

Anytime I have brought back hydrangeas or roses to plant at home they get eaten by slugs or just die of their own accord.

Even if I try to keep windowsill plants alive like basil or mint it never happens?!

I think I should just do some proper research on it and give it a try.

Otherwise I will constantly wish I had an allotment or veg patch.

So if you have any tips on how to grow and keep things alive please do let me know!

Strawberries and tomatoes would also be a nice things to grow.

Any advice, please send my way. I think I am too late to start planting anything for this season but if I could get organised and swot up on gardening knowledge then perhaps 2021 will be the making of the gardener in me.

Thanks for reading!


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