
Nymans is very romantical; partial ruins and rose gardens is a winning combination in my book!

I visited in spring but looking back I think we went a little too early. Despite seeing the blossom trees, the garden statues were still under wraps and I think I would have preferred to go in the summer.

As its quite far from us it isn't one that I would go to very often but I might ask Mr Poachie to take me next year.

The house dates back to 1839 and since then it has been refurbished and remodelled only to then survive a fire which is why parts of it are crumbling ruins today.

It would be a great venue for some outdoor theatre. I'm sure health and safety wouldn't allow that though.

I have now visited so many National Trust sites I should probably create a scorecard for them, you could give them points for the tea room, garden displays, house history and delicious cake factor, or something along those lines!

My main reason for visiting is obviously to photograph them and enjoy a wander around the gardens but I do like the estate walks too.

And naturally tea and cake afterwards.

I'm not sure if you are allowed in to the house but we didn't go to find out, after strolling through the main gardens we did a long walk around the grounds, the views of the Sussex weald are wonderful.

Do you have a favourite NT site? What's important to you when you visit?

I'm sure it differs for everyone as some need it to be dog friendly, or have something to keep the kids entertained or easily accessible for those in wheelchairs or who have prams.

But as long as the flowers keep blooming and the cake is still on offer I shall always return!


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