Hops and Harvest at Scotney Castle

Beer isn't my favourite tipple but I am a lush and I love the countryside so when I had to chance to visit the hop bines at Scotney Castle I didn't want to turn it down.

Ashamedly I get so easily distracted when people are talking at you so I don't really remember the facts and history of it but it was nice to have a snoop around a part of Scotney that isn't usually open to visitors.

I would love to buy to dried hop bines to hang on a mantle piece at home, it makes a home look and feel rustic.

This was inside one of the barns where the ancient machinery takes the hops through and strips them and crushes them.

Do you like the smell of hops? It has such a distinctive smell.

Oh hey pal.

We obviously had to try some beers at our visit. It is thirsty work walking around on a tour!

Bottoms up!

I hope Scotney Castle runs more events like this. I love visiting the National Trust and it is really growing in popularity which is good to see.


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