Endless Summer

Oh how I love the long Summer days, that gorgeous golden glow, the inviting warm evening air that is just begging for a wild swim and an al fresco picnic supper. I vow each year to make the most of them as you never know how many days/nights you will be given this gift.

The Summer of 2022 was a hot one, I try not to moan about the hot sticky days but unless you are by a pool and have a home with AC, I admit, it can be too much. But we all know how quickly the season fades into darkness and the linen dresses get packed away and our freckled skin becomes covered up in chunky knits. I do embrace the change of the seasons, but there are just some moments I want to capture and bottle up forever.

We discovered a new walking route which took us through these golden fields with haybales so I knew I would have to return with my camera and take some photos of these beautiful scenes.

There is also a river nearby which meant that Rosie could cool off too. She loves to swim and whilst I haven't yet found a place that looks nice enough to brave a wild swim, it's always on my search list whenever we go walking.

This year, I am going to make more of an effort to walk her in the early evenings. Now that she is older she can manage two walks a day which I am sure she will love (the cockapoo energy is relentless!) and it means I can make a little bit more of the evening light, rather than just turning off my laptop and sitting inside.

I am very lucky to be surrounded by beautiful countryside and lots of lovely walking routes but the other hobby I want to take up is painting. I have been on the look out for a field easel that I can carry easily and set up so I can spend an hour or so outside and being lost in a creative flow.

I read recently, that as adults we rarely do this. It is a state in which you would need to be so present and focused in the task at hand that it would be an effort for someone to gain your attention or for you to be distracted.

Now I am often lost scrolling through my phone but this isn't what I mean, I want to spend less time on my phone, as I use it a lot for my job and take up something else where my mind is just interested in what I am doing, which I am hoping painting will give me the chance to do so.

I have also signed up to a beginners pottery class as I think this would also be a lovely way to spend a few hours. I love being creative and it is so much nicer to be surrounded by things you have made rather than bought.

Photography is something that gives me the creative buzz but I just felt like I wanted another outlet, so I will let you know how I get on! I am in know way intending on starting a new career or thinking that these are things that I could sell, its just some time for me and hopefully can do outside, which is my favourite place to be.

The other thing I want to make more of an effort to do is pack up an evening picnic and have supper. Even if I am sat in a random field, all I need is a blanket and a snack and I can be happy for an hour or so. 



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