Living an authentic life

My boyfriend needs a raise. 

It's not his idea of fun to go driving around the countryside looking for haybales so that I can sit on one and boss him about until he takes the shot I like. 

I'm a visual diva and I hold my hands up to it.

Personally, I like evenings like this, trying to capture a perfect moment. The light needs to be right, the wind needs to not be obnoxious. And I think it is an adventure, looking for new places. But either way, it's not his vibe, yet we came away with some lovely shots. 

Big shout out to Mr Poachie for being the most amazing Insta boyfriend!

I have been saying recently that I want to start capturing more of my authentic life. I love taking photographs but I won't lie and say the images you see on here are candid moments. They are thought out, planned, researched, put in the diary for certain times, dates, months, seasons.

And whilst I love doing it and it's my hobby. It's not always real. I was thinking of starting a new Insta account to show what my life is like day to day. But in truth, I can't plan a picnic without scouring platter board recipes and then taking a multitude of wicker baskets with me.

I'm really visual as a person. I spend hours looking at Instagram and Pinterest and then planning fun dates and places to go. But sometimes it can lose the fun element as I get crabby if I feel we aren't going to go home with the 'perfect shot'. 

I have definitely got better over the years, I try and balance out the 'work' side of things and try and let loose and have fun but I am aware that the person with me would possibly prefer to be at home chilling out with a beer! 

It's not because I want to be a model; I am terrible in front of the camera. I actually really don't like having my picture taken and I feel stiff and awkward but there are some images, the ones where I am facing away that I do like. Mr Poachie is always encouraging me to have my photo taken as A. He thinks I'm beautiful (he's a silly sausage) and B. He thinks it will help people feel that they can get to know me via my blog and social media.

So here we are, posing on a haybale. Pretending it's another normal day of being Lilly the Pink, talking to you on PeachesandPeonies!

I hope you like them.



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