Give me sunshine

I cannot believe that we are near the end of August but what that does mean, is that it's the month of Sunflowers!

We are so lucky to have a few fields near where we live so I have been  making the most of the sunshine and enjoying these fields of gold.

My first adventure in the sunflower fields was with my best friends daughter. It was her birthday recently and I prefer to take her out for the day rather than buying gifts which will get lost amongst her many other toys!

 I packed up a picnic and made sure we were both wearing sunscreen and off we went.

This place is great for kids (its probably actually mainly set up for the kids but I like to visit regardless!). There is a face painting stall, a shepherds hut serving drinks, shaded places to picnic and PYO sunflowers!

After having her face painted like a fairy and a new fairy ponytail added to complete the look, we set about the sunflower maze and then found our perfect flowers to pick.

I had seen on their instagram that there was a tractor for the kids to sit on but I couldn't find it so we found a nice shaded spot and ate our lunch.

She is such a cutie.

The next sunflower field I found via a Facebook group. It is around 30 minutes in the car from us so one sunny evening Mr Poachie, Rosie and I set off in search of sunflowers.

This is just a normal field with public access, not a privately owned field but we were respectful and left no mess. The flowers in my bike basket were bought and not taken from this field! It is such a magical sight seeing these big flowers, like instant sunshine.



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