Welcome - First blog post


Hello. My name is Lilly and I am new to blogging. I ‘ummed’ and ‘ahhed’ about writing a blog for so many years as I had fears for people thinking I am narcissistic (do people really care about the banana bread recipe I just shared?), are blogs still relevant? Will my friends laugh at me? Hasnt all this been done before? Blogging seems too technical and challenging to set up! How can I still keep my private life private?

But the years went on and I still love reading my favourite blogs so with the encourgagement of my boyfriend who for the sake of privacy shall always be referred to as Mr Poachie I decided to set up a web domain and here I am fudging my way through this!

I feel like for me this will be like an online diary, I love taking photos, mainly of national trust venues but I also like to share recipes, travel, food, flowers, exercise, books I am reading. Again, you could ask why is this something that I need to share online? Why not keep it private if I am worried about judgement and critisism? Well, my answer is this; I used to post daily affirmations on my insta, positive quotes each day under a nice flowery picture. I enjoyed every aspect of it and despite some teasing from my friends, I often received so many lovely messages from people saying that they enjoyed my posts and looked forward to them each day. Also, after going through a particularly challenging time in my life, social media in some ways has helped me so I thought that if in one post, someone else might read it and feel that it has helped them then that is good enough for me.

Its the very reason I chose the image with the peach ‘you can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world and there's somebody who hates peaches’. You cant please everybody. And I dont intend to. I am doing this blog for me (as im sure no-one else will read it!) and thats fine by me.

If you do happen to find yourself reading this then thank you! Future posts will mainly consist of recipes, travel, books, exercise, flowers and general life updates from someone who just wants to live a simple and happy life. No flash cars, no drama llama.


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