The village fete

I have always wanted a to attend a local village fete where there is maypole dancing and you have to guess the weight of the pig. There was no pig at this fete (and sadly no sunshine) but it had all the ingredients of village/country life that I adore!

I saw it posted on a community group online and put it in my diary straightaway. We have been really busy recently and whilst I love our trips away, I also really like slow weekends at home with not much on the agenda. Tomorrow I intend to be home all day watching the Wimbledon finals.

I had visions of wearing a cute summery dress and a hat but the weather gods were not playing ball so instead I dressed up for what felt like a very Autumnal day and we headed off to the village not far from us to see what was going on.

The fete was running all afternoon and if it had been sunny I'm sure we would have stayed all day but as it was really dreary, despite the good turnout (good old Brits!) we only stayed for an hour or so.

We sampled the local delights from the village butcher - the queue for the sausages was the longest but well worth it. I had a pimm's and Mr Poachie had an ale and we wandered through the stalls which were selling a mix of bric-a-brac, artisan goods and cakes.

There was a coconut shy, maypole dancers from the local school, a band and a dog contest. It all felt very quintessential which I love so much! The only thing that I wanted to buy was a coffee cake but by the time we went back they had all been sold! It was probably for the best, as much as I love cake, we just didn't need one!



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