A day to myself

Every now and then, I like to plan a dream date for myself. I spend hours planning the itinerary, researching places to eat and places I want to photograph and then I take myself off to enjoy some me time!

Don't get me wrong; as an incurable, hopeless romantic, I would LOVE it if this sort of day was thought out for me, but in these modern times I see no reason why I can't treat myself to lunch. It's also nice not having to worry about if I am boring anyone else who I am with.

I quite like spending time alone, sometimes the driving can cause me an issue as I suffer with agoraphobia but it is part of my healing process and as long as I have studied a map and google imaged the places I am going, it's not too bad. Plus my sat 
nav knows to avoid highways/motorways! It is something I am looking into, to help me get over this fear but for now, it is baby steps.

I have decided to write separate blog posts for all the places I visited as I crammed a lot into my day off but to give you a quick overview of what to expect, I got up early and headed to Rye. I had wanted to find the windmill b'n'b as I kept seeing it but had never found it myself. Plus you can never have too many photo's of Mermaid street...

I then went to Great Dixter and then had lunch at Tillingham vineyards
After that I went to Hole Park as they had the wealden fair on and I finished up at Sissinghurst Castle

It was a full on day and I was pooped and had blisters by the end of the day. After walking over 10,000 steps I came home to a large glass of wine and a candle lit bath and now I am spending the evening editing photo's and doing reels for instagram and writing blog posts! 

More coming soon...



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