Sheffield Park

The colours at Sheffield Park right now are nothing short of spectacular. Visiting in the autumn has become a tradition of mine and it never fails to please me! You have to time it right for when the colours have changed but the leaves haven't dropped to much. Also you need a day when the weather is behaving! 

I think I take the same photos each year but I love it so much. Mr Poachie once made me a jigsaw puzzle from one of my photo's here which I think is an awesome gift.

Usually it is quite busy but I think as you now have to book slots it has actually made it better so that you don't have 100's of people all turning up at once. I have been before where the car park was full and it causes mayhem at the entrance as people were still trying to get in.

On this visit I went with my friend Anna who is a keen NT member. She was also giving me some free financial advice as I need to have a think about what to do with my divorce settlement money but I kept getting distracted by the fungi and the leaves.

It's funny, since last year I have been looking all over for the red and white mushroom as I had never found one and this year, Boom! I have seen hundreds! I wonder if they don't last long as they are so delicate so maybe they get trashed underfoot or if we have a bad storm. I am also walking a lot more than last year so perhaps spending more time outdoors I have started to notice nature more.

I have been walking every morning as I sometimes have an achy back and I find it helps loosen it up and it is good for my mental health/sleep etc. Plus I don't like sitting down all day so I always have my morning walks and then I like to do a 30 minute workout in the afternoon. I used to go to the gym 3/4 times a week but since lockdown I cancelled my gym membership but I have definitely gained a little covid weight which I am trying to lose now. I am thinking of ordering some  hand weights and using them for my HIIT sessions as I feel the benefits more from using weights plus I don't really like cardio workouts but I think it is important to do both and it is good to switch up your exercise regime.
I also find it better to do 30 mins each day as I was struggling to find the motivation to do an hours hard graft but there is no excuse not to move my body for 30 mins and so far I have stuck to it. It may not be giving me the same results as when I was at the gym but I feel so much better for it.

Back to Sheffield Park, we had a splendid wander catching up and then we headed off to lunch at a pub in Hartfield which was  very good!

How gorgeous is this? Anytime I post photo's of Sheffield Park on my insta I always get a lot of likes and comments.

The rest of Saturday was very wet and miserable so Mr Poachie and I stayed in, lit the fire and watched Rebecca. I cooked us a yummy truffle pasta dish and cracked open the prosecco. It was a perfect Saturday evening in.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!



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