Life lately


Since we got back from France, its been a whirlwind of doing the laundry, the joy of being reunited with Rosie, being on a diet, getting back into exercise and going back to work, sob!

The holiday blues are real. Although I do like being back in routine and getting back to healthier habits.

It hasn't helped that the weather has felt slightly autumnal. There have been some evenings I wanted to put the heating on!

When we were in France, we were eating a lot of croissants and bread and enjoying lots of rose, which is what holidays are for. But since being back I am on a diet so back to protein shakes and my favourite Wild Nutrition supplements.

The alarm clock is early and the first thing I like to do is go out for a brisk walk to help me get energised for the day. When I get back I do Pilates or a 20 minute workout, and twice a week I have a personal training session where we focus on weights. I loathe cardio.

I also read about liver cleanses as I was worried about my rose consumption so I made up so lemon and ginger shots with added cayenne, black pepper and turmeric to have each morning. They are firey!

Friends of ours have got a new puppy so we went to go and have snuggles. I tried to convince Mr Poachie to get another one but he is not keen. You soon forget the broken sleep, peepee accidents and chewed slippers!

Just when I thought I couldn't get enough lavender in my life, I went back to Castle Farm lavender fields for a picnic with a friend which was lovely. One of my favorite traditions.

We discovered a great new pub and had the most insane roast dinner which we enjoyed with friends. I can't believe we haven't visited this pub before but I am looking forward to returning.

I've done a little bit of baking, I am big on home made focaccia right now and I also made a choc chip loaf cake which is so easy and delicious.

I have also done a lot of reading and I am going to write another blog posts on books that I have loved this year. I read really fast and I read regularly, so I get through many, many books. In fact I have just joined a library in the hope of saving a bit of money on buying books!

We are also still on the path of buying our wonky cottage, everything  had been really quiet and easy and then we received our house survey on the Friday before we left to go on holiday and then it has been a mad scramble to find builders and plasterers to get quotes on the work that needs doing. More updates on this soon I promise!


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