Corfe Castle

During our trip to Dorset, we drove past Corfe Castle and saw it was a National Trust site so we made plans to head back the next day and check it out.

Located at the top of the hill, you park in the car park signposted on the road and then make walk up to the top which is complete with tea rooms, a pub and some shops!

Mr Poachie was feeling his Viking roots..

The castle is mostly ruins but it has some excellent views of the surrounding area. Lots of agricultural life and we also spotted a steam train!

Thankfully due to lockdown being lifted we didn't need to book tickets and parking is free for NT members.

For all of you who would like some more info I have linked the website for you here. I wish I had a more spongey brain so I could absorb more useful information but I get distracted by butterflies and my camera.

Definitely worth a visit if you are in the area, and you can reward yourself for getting to the top with a cream tea! 



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