Knole Park

Hello, I hope everyone is having a good Saturday. Mr Poachie and I went out for a lovely long walk this morning and after the cold snap of snow followed by a week of heavy rain it was so nice to get out and feel warm! 

We are now sitting in the living room watching a film by the fire and I thought of some more blogs that I could write and I realised I had never posted about Knole.

Knole Park is Kent's equivalent of Richmond. Located in Sevenoaks, it is famous for the acres of land filled with herds of deer. Knole House is owned and managed by the National Trust and in non covid times is open to visitors to view the collections.

I remember the first time I visited Knole and I wondered whether we would come across any deer as I wasn't sure what to expect and lo and behold there were great herds of them! On each subsequent visit I have always seen them in their magnificent glory. They are not tame and you shouldn't feed them or try to get too close but they are used to lots of visitors.

Knole's land is also on a golfing green so you must be very mindful of where you are walking but there are plenty of paths to follow.

Knole is a very popular walking route for families, I think most locals feel its THE place to walk on Boxing day! But with the easy paths, fantastic views and natural wildlife you can see why people love coming here.

There is parking for NT members, for non members there is parking in the town centre. Sevenoaks has a lot of great coffee shops and pubs and is worth a visit in its own right.

Over the years, I have visited for a number of different occasions; I have attended a bat walk which was an interesting evening as we learnt about these peculiar flying creatures and I have also attended bauble making workshops! It is worth checking the National Trust website for the events that they run, one I really would like to do is visit Knole at night time and do the attic tour. It seems spooky and fascinating at the same time.

I hope this might have been useful? I have written a list of other potential things to blog about but if there is anything in particular you would like to see/read from me then please leave a comment or DM me on insta.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend : )



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